From regulatory necessity to sales opportunity
Differentiated CRM systems offer a strong chance when it comes to ESG: thanks to the indirect query of sustainability preferences, customer needs can be made visible by measuring interaction with content and by compiling a scoring. In addition, hyper-personalized targeting makes it easier to acquire new customers and to expand existing target groups.
Sustainability Growing customer demand ESG
Sustainability is one of the most important issues of our time. More and more customers are demanding sustainability from businesses. Companies that fail to meet requirements in terms of environmental protection, social responsibility, and dutiful corporate governance risk disappearing from the market. Sustainability as an important customer demand must be managed proactively, especially in sales.
Complying with regulatory requirements Differentiated CRM systems
Regulatory requirements stipulate the development of a classification and query logic for customers’ ESG preferences. The prerequisites for this are practical sales processes and differentiated CRM systems. The query of sustainability preferences is mostly carried out by means of questions during sales consultations. However, customer needs can also be ascertained indirectly, which saves an enormous amount of time and resources.
Interaction as input Automated scoring and hyper-personalized targeting
Every customer interaction provides information regarding their preferences and needs. Clicking on an email, opening a newsletter, reading about a new product: there are numerous indicators that need to be taken into account. In the BSI Customer Suite, automated campaign management and a scoring model created over time make customer needs visible and can be used for sales purposes by means of hyper-personalized targeting.

BSI Customer Suite
Automated preference recognition and hyper-personalized targeting
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