Marketing automation Trigger-based micro-journeys
BSI helps you break away from the classic mass marketing campaign and reach out to your customers individually: by providing the right content at the right time on the right channel, with well-defined, trigger-based activities; in fact, they are customized to your customers’ personal lifecycles.

Digital micro-campaigns Lifecycle triggers
No longer does marketing consist of linear campaigns with exact start and end dates. Instead, marketing in the new digital world consists of various micro-campaigns, with a path triggered by customers’ life events and behaviors. Altogether, it brings about a greater whole – the customer journey.
Intelligence Smart customer journeys
Your customers have complex needs. To design overarching customer journeys, you need intelligent automation. With BSI, you get powerful marketing automation software with high usability that allows you to keep track of the networked processes making up the customer journey and interacts with your customers in a personalized and needs-oriented manner.
Live in 15 minutes It’s as simple as that
With BSI, you can design a campaign in 15 minutes: Since you start with a template, you enter only a few critical data. The story builds automatically, and you use drag and drop for any adjustments needed to produce the desired campaign. Then, you link highly personalized and dynamic content for the various channels. You validate, test, simulate – and the campaign is ready to go live.
No need for IT skills Efficient software for marketing professionals
There is no need to know a programming language or study a voluminous manual to use BSI. Drag and drop and integrated design support make the rapid design process possible, allowing you, the marketing expert, to focus entirely on the content of your customer stories. We took care of the software part for you already.
Across all touchpoints A Customer Suite with a 360° view
With BSI, you can view all your customer interactions across all touchpoints. This feature makes it possible to keep an eye on your customers’ lifecycles, trigger your stories in a targeted manner, and package them in an overarching user journey. All this with one all-in-one solution.

Marketing automation capabilities
An example: bathing suits in warm and sunny weather only
Summer is near, and you would like to introduce your new swimwear collection to your customers. Studies show that interest in bathing suits and swim trunks is greatest when it is hot outside. Therefore, you want to make sure that your newsletter with the latest swimming season trends does not arrive at your customers’ on the rainiest day of the week. Would it, therefore, be possible to check the weather forecasts for all the locations where your customers are as well? Yes, it is possible! The necessary steps are already incorporated in BSI – and are built into your campaign via drag and drop.
Everything else you should know about marketing automation
Our definition of marketing automation is the software-based planning, automatic execution, and analysis of highly personalized marketing campaigns and processes or workflows across all touchpoints and in real time. Marketing automation software intelligently coordinates all communication channels. It supports business processes and departments with its functionality and can be implemented without complex IT projects.
The benefits of marketing automation are apparent: greater efficiency, more data intelligence, and better customer experience. Marketing processes become more efficient, while marketing and sales become more effective. In addition, from the customer’s point of view, it creates a highly personalized experience that perfectly meets both future and current clients’ needs. This increases customer satisfaction – and, ultimately, sales.
Related Capabilities
BSI knows your business
Whether sales, marketing or service: you can put our two million code lines and promising solutions together with equal ease – through uncompromising technology, a highly flexible data model and a captivating user experience.
Set up trigger-based, highly personalized customer journeys within 15 minutes with BSI. They help you provide an unforgettable experience and maximize your business success.
BSI offers a central, virtual advisor workstation with access to all relevant customer information. This improves the chances of a successful business conclusion.
BSI’s guided processes enable more efficient handling of customer issues. This saves you time and money in the long term, and makes your customers happy.
BSI provides you with powerful analytics, clearly arranged reporting dashboards and the possibility of data-based challenges to your decisions. BSI is your direct access to business intelligence.
Next best action: BSI.
The next best action: Network your goals with BSI.