Banking Banking know-how distilled into software

BSI helps banks digitize their customer relationships: It includes the 360° view, a link to your core banking system and flexible processes. BSI fully conforms to the banking industry’s regulatory requirements and will support you with your lead and customer journey management, ensuring that your customers have a convincing customer experience.

These banks and more than 40 others count on BSI

Highly personalized frontline banking

With BSI, you can integrate all existing platforms to get an overall view of customer behavior at all touchpoints. BSI also excels in the complex requirements typical of banks, ensuring that your customer-facing employees can accompany and support your customers along the entire customer journey.


High-end support for bank customers

Banks wanting to stand out from their competitors in the industry need more than good products and favorable terms today, as the digital transformation is in full swing. Instead, they can differentiate themselves first and foremost through exemplary customer service. With BSI, contact centers more than meet all of today’s requirements.


Banking as an experience at every touchpoint

With BSI, you can easily design, automate, analyze and enhance customer journeys. You can identify and integrate all touchpoints. It is easy to create content and deliver it, in an automated fashion, to your customers at the right time, allowing your employees to respond promptly to interactions. The result is a personalized dialogue.


Next best actions

Would you like to receive customer-specific tips to help with your sale and consultation and achieve higher closing quotas in cross- and upselling? BSI shows you next best actions in the 360° view, which might include information about a decreasing transaction volume or upcoming retirement – individualized for every customer. For customized offers and consultations that are more relevant.


Yannick Kunz, CRM Project Manager, BLKB

BSI’s innovative products help us continue to enhance our business and the customer experience.

Boost for our customers


Increased efficiency

< 30%



Cost savings

Across touchpoints

BSI gives you everything you need to coordinate omnichannel interactions with your customers. Channels such as e-banking, mobile banking, research app, website, phone and branches all converge in BSI. Your advisors will benefit from different views of the same data and processes.


Banking processes

With BSI, you accompany your customers throughout the entire client lifecycle: From the first contact to onboarding to payment. BSI provides managed processes in areas ranging from prospect management and advice on securities to appointments, master data changes and complaints. This approach ensures that your customers get the ultimate service – no matter where they are in the lifecycle.


Regulatory & compliance

VDSG*, GDPR, and other data protection acts pose enormous data protection and security challenges for banks. With BSI, you get “Privacy by Design,” which includes well-thought-out GDPR functionalities such as double opt-in, the right to be forgotten and advertising blocks. BSI also includes robust security profiles.


BSI Cloud or Hyperscaler?

Cloud applications offer many advantages: You will always have the latest software version and only pay for the number of users you have. BSI guarantees data storage and processing in Switzerland or Germany. We are ISAE3402-certified and, in addition to the BSI cloud, which is BaFin*-, FINMA*-, or/and FMA*-compliant, we also offer a private cloud option.


«One prerequisite for the successful implementation of AI projects in banking is to lower mental barriers. Allow your teams to experiment and create an innovation-friendly environment.»

- René Konrad, BSI Community Manager Banking

Improve the customer experience with AI

BSI’s Artificial Intelligence helps automate processes and personalize customer journeys. It recognizes customer concerns in incoming e-mails, identifies the next best actions for the advisor to take, shows the best channel and time to contact the customer and facilitates churn and fraud detection.


Link to your core banking system

With BSI, it is easy to integrate your core banking system. We have years of experience integrating core banking systems such as Finnova, Avaloq and BANQPRO. With our 360° view, advisors get access to all the data at a glance. Instead of being dependent on the complex core banking system interface, they intuitively navigate through configurable processes.

Delight your customers with personalized journeys

How can you reach out to each customer with the right content on the right channel and at the right time? That is not a problem with BSI. Design hyperpersonalized customer journeys around the topics of NPS surveys, newsletters, social media campaigns, and much more. Improve the customer experience with trigger-based campaigns.

Benefit from data insights

Are you looking for real-time KPIs, Google Analytics integration, ad-hoc analyses? BSI will give you powerful analytics, clear reporting dashboards and the opportunity to make data-driven decisions.

As a result, you use your customer intelligence and can measure and continuously enhance your campaigns’ success.


Michael Horf, member of the board, Degussa Bank

BSI CRM gives us the communication options and workflows we need to provide comprehensive customer support.

Next best action: BSI

The next best action: Network your goals with BSI.

René Konrad, Creator of Customer Delight

+41 58 255 96 72

BSI knows your business

Whether sales, marketing or service: you can put our two million code lines and promising solutions together with equal ease – through uncompromising technology, a highly flexible data model and a captivating user experience.


Set up trigger-based, highly personalized customer journeys within 15 minutes with BSI. They help you provide an unforgettable experience and maximize your business success.


BSI offers a central, virtual advisor workstation with access to all relevant customer information. This improves the chances of a successful business conclusion.


BSI’s guided processes enable more efficient handling of customer issues. This saves you time and money in the long term, and makes your customers happy.


BSI provides you with powerful analytics, clearly arranged reporting dashboards and the possibility of data-based challenges to your decisions. BSI is your direct access to business intelligence.

Additional information*

  • VDSG: Swiss Data Protection Act [Verordnung zum Bundesgesetz über den Datenschutz]
  • BaFin: German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority [Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht]
  • FINMA: Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority [Eidgenössische Finanzmarktaufsicht]
  • FMA: Financial Market Authority Austria [Finanzmarktaufsichtsbehörde]

BSI Customer Suite

Provide a truly compelling customer experience with seven products – all in one solution.
