Planting seeds together for a future harvest
Instead of “Click & Collect,” BSI announced the “Click & Plant” program at the end of last year: As part of our Christmas message to our customers, partners and friends, we gave them each the opportunity to plant a tree with the click of a mouse. As a result, more than 1000 trees were “planted” and will soon spread their roots as part of the reforestation projects undertaken by the company GROW MY TREE.

BSI matched these 1038 clicks and had an additional 1038 trees planted. Approx. 22 kg of CO2 is neutralized per tree per year, corresponding to 0.23% of one person’s annual carbon footprint.
It’s a small contribution to climate protection – and for us at BSI, it is also a beginning, as we engage in the topic of “sustainability” on a deeper level. What do we mean by sustainability? What concerns do our customers in the retail, banking and insurance industries have in this regard? As a software company, employer, and employees, what can we do (and what do we want to do) to live a greener, more conscious and more resource-optimized life?
We would like to hear from you: How do you define ecological, economic and social sustainability? And what will it take to achieve “digital sustainability”?
Here’s to a future where the good things we plant jointly with our customers will grow.
Digital sustainability – what does that actually mean?
The topic of digital sustainability is closely related to the concept of “sustainable development,” which is a term that appeared in the Brundtland Report published by the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development in 1987. The report defines development as sustainable if it serves the current generation’s needs without impeding the opportunity of future generations to meet their needs. More and more companies understand sustainability as a guarantee for sustainable growth and sustainable performance. They strive to incorporate the environmental, social and economic perspectives on this issue into their overall strategy. Digital development plays a central role in this effort, whether it is related to increasing efficiency and loyalty, improving the quality of life of individuals or conserving resources. A Netzwoche article authored by Ladan Pooyan-Weihs, lecturer and head of CAS Digital Architect at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, addresses this topic in detail.
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