Identifying and promoting AI’s potential to drive positive customer interaction in companies

Patrick Stern
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Forschungsbereich Mensch-Technik Interaktion, Fraunhofer IAO

The critical question is not only whether artificial intelligence (AI) should be used but also where in the company it has the greatest success potential. Often, it even makes sense to establish lean individual AI technologies in a company and repeat this process quickly. This approach allows companies to learn from it quickly and improve it before the next round. The focus is not on developing comprehensive AI to solve all the problems a company has but on acquiring application-related experience swiftly with new technologies.

According to our recent study “AI in Customer Data Management,” it makes sense to initiate small, practice-oriented AI projects – and there is external support for this approach as well. Service providers and researchers help initiate and implement individual or standardized projects. Therefore, companies do not have to be fearful of massive AI projects that are resource-intense and threaten to change the entire company. Instead, artificial intelligence can also be implemented gradually, guiding companies toward the key technology. Digitization is a process, and AI systems should be considered a process as well. At the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering (Fraunhofer IAO Stuttgart), we work on innovation projects to help companies apply new technologies purposefully by developing technology potential analyses and completing implementation design.


Utilizing AI checks, we conduct applied research and provide decision support for the use of new technologies. By classifying customer data analyses and auditing historical data, we help companies understand their next step so they can digitize processes successfully or improve their customer interactions. Customer experience or user experience can be represented with the help of the customer journey and can be positively and transparently improved with customer data and the associated data quality. Companies can achieve customer proximity and customer satisfaction by using intelligent systems based on machine learning. I invite you to try out our neutral AI Check and have a service provider like BSI implement your customized AI project.

More on the subject:

To Fraunhofer IAO AI Check (in german)

To “AI in Customer Data Management” study (in german)

About the author:


Patrick Stern is a researcher in the field of human-technology interaction at the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering (Fraunhofer IAO) in Stuttgart. He is also a part-time university lecturer and teaches at IHK, Stuttgart region. He is a qualified graduate industrial engineer (FH) and has more than ten years of professional experience in the digital environment.

Zeno Hug, Creator of Customer Delight

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