Digitization The digital revolution in customer relationships
Digitization is the basis of today’s economy. Only businesses that recognize the opportunities this presents for them and their customers will be able to position themselves for profitability. With BSI, you can start the digital revolution in your business now and elevate your customer relationships to a new level.

Company-wide The digitization of the customer dialogue
Customer experience managers create unique customer journeys with BSI. In turn, chief digital officers use BSI as a technical platform to digitize all customer dialogue processes. And CEOs use the resulting data to optimize their businesses continuously.
Automation Save time and money
BSI receives your customer inquiries and sends an automated response. It is the combination of sentiment analysis, artificial intelligence, and black box processing that makes all the difference: BSI optimizes even complex processes with intelligence while still maintaining the personalized dialogue, thus saving you time and money.
Digital processes The all-in-one solution
BSI combines everything you need: the digitization of customer interactions and processes – away from Excel, manual processes, and data silos, and toward real-time responses to current customer behaviors. The result is personalized customer communication with relevant content and customer journeys.
Customer dialogue Personalized customer experience in real time
While digitization makes communication efficient and fast, too often, it is also impersonal: Mass e-mails and irrelevant content increasingly create frustration. It’s different with BSI: Every customer receives a message composed explicitly for him – all based on data and the solution’s highly dynamic intelligence.
Digitization capabilities
The BSI Weather step as an example
Studies show that customers are more likely to follow offer recommendations when they are happy. That makes sense. How do we then find out when customers are happy or emotionally most receptive? And how do we manage that? BSI is the solution. With BSI, you can connect to an exciting ecosystem via many APIs: For example, when is the right time for a sun-, beach-, and ocean-related vacation offer? Potentially in the winter, when customers have cabin fever, it is wet outside, and the sky is gray. With the BSI Weather Step, you can find out when to send which offer to whom and score points for showing empathy.
It’s time for the digital revolution
In an environment where the next offer is always just one click away, customers no longer accept dull customer experiences. BSI combines everything you need: the digitization of customer interactions and processes – away from Excel, manual processes, and data silos, and toward real-time responses to current customer behaviors. The result is personalized customer communication with relevant content and customer journeys. The journeys are not only visualized but also automatically executed, analyzed, and optimized. BSI generates a digital yet simultaneously personalized customer experience in real time for you and your customers
Are you ready to revolutionize your company’s processes with BSI?
● Digitize your customer dialogue processes
● Tell consistent stories across all touchpoints, online and offline
● Analyze the customer experience
● Customize the customer journey in real time
● Enhance your processes based on data
Don’t spend too much time reflecting on digitization. Instead, go ahead with the best solution.
Related Capabilities
BSI knows your business
Whether sales, marketing or service: you can put our two million code lines and promising solutions together with equal ease – through uncompromising technology, a highly flexible data model and a captivating user experience.
Set up trigger-based, highly personalized customer journeys within 15 minutes with BSI. They help you provide an unforgettable experience and maximize your business success.
BSI offers a central, virtual advisor workstation with access to all relevant customer information. This improves the chances of a successful business conclusion.
BSI’s guided processes enable more efficient handling of customer issues. This saves you time and money in the long term, and makes your customers happy.
BSI provides you with powerful analytics, clearly arranged reporting dashboards and the possibility of data-based challenges to your decisions. BSI is your direct access to business intelligence.
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